It’s a nightmare when one day you wake up and realize you are looking years older than you are. When you are struggling with your appearance and don’t want to grow old check the level of foundation of youth-Human Growth Hormone.
Growing old is a natural phenomenon but premature aging is a disorder. The most common cause of premature aging in women is lowered level of growth hormone. This quintessential hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and is responsible for growth of just about every cell in the body. It maintains body composition, bone density, healthy muscle mass and repairs tissues. Interestingly the growth hormone also affects our actions, feelings and appearance vastly.
Women and HGH
It is common misconception that only men need HGH. Contrary to the belief biologically women need higher levels of growth hormones to maintain their health and youth. All the male characteristics that is associated with HGH like increased muscles, facial hair growth, deepening of voice and effect on genitals results from the combination of growth hormones and testosterone. As women have higher levels of estrogen and minimal testosterone, these features seldom occur in women with high HGH.
HGH is vital for a healthy body, but with aging there is gradual decline in growth hormone levels. Women tend to witness the signs of aging as their growth hormone level drops. Fortunately now it is possible to boost the levels of growth hormone with HGH therapy. Women are proactively choosing this therapy for weight loss and anti aging benefits.
But before you jump to conclusion that you are low on HGH how will you diagnose. To make it easier, just pay attention to the following signs.
Signs of HGH Deficiency
These signs are generalized and you can have more than one symptom. For more accurate diagnosis it is advised to consult your doctor.
- Lost glow of skin or thinning
- Decline in skin fullness
- Sagging or dry skin
- Menopause in women in also sign of GH deficiency
- Sudden drop in stamina and endurance
- Loss of muscle mass in limbs
- Fat gain in abdomen or development of love handles
- Loss of bone density and strength
- Unexplained weight gain or obesity
- Difficulty in building or maintaining muscle mass
- Insomnia
- Disturbed sleeps even in total darkness
- Sleep apnea
If you ticked a yes on more than five of the symptoms above then most probably you have growth hormone deficiency.
Dealing with HGH Deficiency
First of all you need to cut down your alcohol consumption and use of corticosteroids (if any). These two are major reasons for growth hormone deficiency in women before age.
Now that you know of HGH deficiency, understand how you can control the evil in its dorm. Here are the ways to get back on track.
Pay attention to your belly fat
Love handles not only distort your body physiology but also indicate that you might be running low on growth hormone. Fat gain around abdomen is often takes as a sign of excessive insulin but in postmenopausal women it can be caused by low growth hormone. Studies show that with hormone therapy such women have reduced belly fat and increased sensitivity to insulin along with a decline in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations.
Validating the finding a study published in MedScape titled-Effects of Growth Hormone Withdrawal in Obese Premenopausal Women concluded that-
The effects of GH administration to abdominally obese premenopausal women have a short time-course. The beneficial effects on body composition and cardiovascular risk markers, and the side effect of altered glucose tolerance returned to pretreatment levels after GH withdrawal. There was no suppression of endogenous IGF-I levels, which returned to baseline after GH withdrawal.
What you can do: Use natural homeopathic HGH drops from brands like Sytropin and GenF20 Plus to boost your growth hormone levels. There are some amino acid supplements that you can take before bed time to benefit your HGH production. Consult your healthcare about these supplements.
Increase your dosage of sleep
No kidding! By simply improving your sleeping patterns you can boost growth hormone production. When you sleep in a relaxed dark environment, melatonin is released that triggers a cool down effect on the body. As body temperature drops, pituitary gland secretes growth hormone. This hormone works its regenerative magic on tissues and every cell in the body rapidly, as it has very short half life.
What you can do: First ensure that you are in bed by 10 pm whatsoever. Sleeping pills are never the solution but if you can sleep well without them, try switching to natural alternatives like magnesium glycinate, relora or melatonin based supplements.
Get into cardio intensive exercises
Remember the golden rule-variety is the key. If you want to boost your growth hormone level through cardio exercises indulge in short but intensive aerobic exercises. Studies show that intensive cardio boosts GH concentrations over a period of 24 hours after cardio. According to a study by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, “Exercise is a potent physiological stimulus for growth hormone (GH) secretion, and both aerobic and resistance exercise result in significant, acute increases in GH secretion.”
Taking HGH oral supplements before the cardio can even better the results.
Note: If you are also in strength training then ensure that you don’t do cardio before your training. It is best to do it at a separate time completely.
Weight training is also beneficial
Pumping the iron can also boost your growth hormone levels. In a study it was found that women who lift moderate to heavy weights under 3-12 reps of exercises with varying weights. At the same time it also improves metabolic health and muscle tone.
What you can do: As my trainer tells me-lift the weights heavier than your purse, same goes for you. Start lifting heavy weights and glow of your skin will soon return.
Stay away from stress
Stress not only affects your physiology but also hampers your internal biology. In the study Stress And Hormones, it is quoted that-
Stress can lead to changes in the serum level of many hormones including glucocorticoids, catecholamines, growth hormone and prolactin. Some of these stressful responses can lead to endocrine disorders like Graves’ disease, gonadal dysfunction, psychosexual dwarfism and obesity.
What you can do: Make your lifestyle immune to stress and tension. Spend time with family and friends to break free of stress and enjoy life. After all we know laughter is the best therapy.
Never ignore signs of growth hormone deficiency. Certainly you will be able to get back on track with some lifestyle changes and HGH therapy easily.
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